
My Father Who Art Not in Heaven

I got my buckskin mare, Sharanagati, August 1, 2015, on a trade. Shara was 10 when I got her, and I was her 9th owner. Needless to say, she’d been through a lot, and it was my calling to her to bring her back into her body and invite her to be an active participant in...

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Pup Jay Pee II

From communion wafers to doggie biscuits, or “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s chew toy.” My dog died July 4th, 2018. She was pretty good at keeping wildlife out of the orchards and gardens, and as her health steadily failed, the plums went to the raccoons, the...

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Two Questions

I have never been inclined to demand things of Lord Krishna, but on one occasion, I did. I needed some answers. I was in a place of deep meditation, contemplating what I just been shown about my current life, several past births, my purpose, and my inner drive to...

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The Perfection of Ownership

There is no amount of material acquisition, whether it be tangible possessions or the subtle claiming of prestige, position, and power, that will make up for the lack of pure connection to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nothing except this pure connection in love...

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Pro Choice

If we go to the ocean, the terrain there could be put into one of three categories. One category would be the areas of higher beach that do not fall under the water even at high tide, another would be areas that are always under water, and the final category would be...

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Stewardship vs. Dominion

Stewardship is an ethical position of responsible service, of giving care and protection, of leaving things in better condition than when we took on the role of steward. Everything belongs to God, all forms of life are His children or parts of His creation, and...

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Some Short Inspirations

Patience means to be in alignment with the Lord’s perfect plan. A revelation is not a planned event. Every living being has free will. If the Lord forced, there would be no question of love. Love means that there is free will. It is a time for prayer. The world...

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I was raised with the indoctrination that people from New York City were more aware, socially conscious, and sophisticated than people from anywhere else. In that mood, I invited my college roommate, who was from upstate, to spend time with me in New York City during...

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God’s Child

It was an overcast, but warm day, in the Bronx. I was three years old, and I sat by a bedroom window of our third floor apartment. The rusted, iron safety grate that was installed on the outside of the window was loose and rattled in the breeze, and I was nervous that...

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The Dazzling Effulgence

Many people who claim to be on a spiritual path are fond of speaking about the “great white light,” the Brahman, or the Brahmajyoti. When most people speak of this light emanation, they speak of merging with it, of absorbing themselves into it. Let’s call this...

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