Intelligent Questions

An intelligent human being asks questions about the meaning and purpose of life. These questions, by their very nature, are glorious, as they are inquiries about the Absolute Truth.

Examples of these questions might be-

What is the purpose of life?

Where do I go when I die?

Some people are born pretty, some ugly, some diseased or poverty stricken, some healthy or into a wealthy situation, what is the reason behind this?

How did I get his body? I got a female body, you got a male body, my dog a dog body, yet we are all persons. What is the reason?

I am suffering, no matter what I try to do. Why?

There are so many opinions, what is the Supreme opinion?

Only a human being can inquire about the Supreme Absolute Truth, and only a human being is equipped to hear philosophical truths. Animals eat, sleep, mate, and defend, and if humans only do the same with their more advanced embodiments, simply embellishing the animal propensities, it is the greatest waste. Human life is meant for the development of spiritual life.